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The implementation of the SACE CPTD Management System expects Provincial Departments of Education to submit their teacher development training programmes to SACE for endorsement. This will enhance quality assurance and will allow easy accumulation of PD points by educators.

The number of submitted programmes is however still too low and SACE therefore is encouraging providers, including the Provincial Education Departments (PEDs), to prepare and submit programmes for endorsement. VVOB is supporting SACE to increase the capacity of the PEDs.

A first workshop took place in October 2015. During this training session participants indicated that they also needed support to develop quality programmes for SACE endorsement.

This implies, amongst others:

  • How to move from a PowerPoint to a properly structured programme that can be endorsed by SACE?
  • How to set objectives and relevant activities to reach the intended outcomes?
  • How to activate participants?


The second workshop which was held on 16 and 17 February 2016 addressed that need: the objective was to strengthen the capacity of FS DOE officials to design and develop high quality programmes which can be endorsed by SACE. Officials reviewed their programmes, in the light of the SACE criteria. They discussed and described relevance, teaching methods and materials, equity including gender, assessment, learner support and monitoring and evaluation. In doing so, they prepared their programmes for submission to SACE which will also increase the quality of professional development available to educators in Free State. The workshop was facilitated by VVOB education advisors. VVOB engaged the support of Ria de Villiers, Jika Communication and Training, who shared her rich experience with SACE endorsement as a critical friend.

More pictures can be found here.