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A new framework

In April 2011 the Departments of Basic and Higher Education published the Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South Africa. This document highlights the importance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of teachers. CPD should be more effective and local. One strategy is that more teachers should engage in professional learning communities.

In Free State Province the District Teacher Development Centres (DTDC) play a crucial role in implementing the Framework. They organise CPD activities and make resources available. On top of this the centres play a key role in rolling out the CPTD point system of the South African Council for Educators (SACE).

CPD leaders in the districts

The Free State Department of Education (FSDOE), with support of the Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance (VVOB), wants to improve its CPD approaches. Since the staff of the DTDCs play such big role in the implementation of the framework, it is crucial they all have a common understanding of what effective CPD is and how they can contribute to the implementation thereof. Hence all DTDC staff were invited for an workshop to mark the start of a learning trajectory on effective CPD. The workshop took place on 9 and 10 June 2014 in Kroonstad.

Learning about learning

Participants learned about good CPD practices and reflected on their current practices. They realised that poor alignment of development initiatives often confuses teachers. It was also clear that professional development activities ought to take participants from a point of awareness all the way to mastery of new skills. Awareness about what effective CPD entails is not yet widespread.

Participants also discussed Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), where teachers learn with and from each other. They related PLCs to previous initiatives in the province, such as Professional Working Groups. Sustaining these initiatives after the novelty wears off is a challenge. Participants shared their experiences and linked those to insights from the education research literature.

Learning trajectory for CPD leaders

This was only the first initiative to support the DTDC staff. Participants discussed their learning needs, based on insights they got from this first workshop. Together with subject advisors they will further strengthen their CPD skills in order to implement effective CPD for teachers. Expect more news on this via this website.